Monday, February 14, 2011

The use.

What is the use for aiming, if you don't shoot? 
Yesterday I came across this line in my mind and it really hit me. You can understand it in at least two ways. Literally - when you aim for something, to accomplish something, you have to really go for it, not just yeah, I could probably maybe try to be an artist, yeeah, but - I will become a good artist! If you're doing something half-heartedly, what is the use for it? Nothing. 
And the other way to understand would be by looking at this in the movies - if you've aimed, then why don't shoot? And then you get shot yourself. Why aim in the first place, if you're not gonna do it, then save us all the trouble, just do something else instead.. If you aimed it already means something and can't really be undone.

And old sketch I did a long time ago, it was on the blog before as well~

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